Big Island Jo's And Mamma Jo's is a family business. We have many degrees and licenses plus years of experience and great references. We are crime and drug free.
We do cleaning. With years of experience in cleaning stores and hotels, our hard-working staff can clean just about anything.
We can do roofing, build cabins, sheds, gates, fences, and other projects.
We can paint houses. We also paint fences and can even do murals.
We can hand-clear, landscape, design, and help you with your yard.
We can officiate at weddings. Mamma Jo has a Pastoral Degree.
Plus if you need help editing a book, art, or music, we have people who do that as well.
With lots of experience in tutoring and a degree in Child Day Care, plus years working for the D.O.E, Mamma's Jo's Childcare Service can babysit and even tutor your child. Sliding scale for low-income families. We also work with United Healthcare, so you could get free childcare.
If you have United Healthcare we can work with them so you have free care for elders and people disabilities. If you don't, we can still help with sliding scale fee. Mamma Jo has a degree in Home Healthcare.
We can pet-sit, care for, or even just walk your dog. Mamma Jo has an animal care degree as well and has successfully run Pet Haven Animal Rescue.
we are only a phone call away